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Mai, Kinderbetreuung (Versoix)

Mit Empfehlung
Erste Hilfe

Experience as a teacher, educator, nanny, monitor and coordinator of groups of children and adolescents.

As a musician I have learned about my mistakes every day of my life in order to sound better every day through conscious discipline. As a teacher I have transferred my patience so that the student knows his own possibilities, feels motivated in the face of error and little by little gains confidence in self-knowledge and can be independent. As a children's coordinator, I have understood the value in relationships about trust and love :)

Angebotene Dienste
Teilzeitbetreuung/ Vorschulbetreuung
Nanny Zuhause
Erste Hilfe Kurs
Jugendleiter/In-Card (Juleica)
Berufliche Erfahrung, über 10 Jahre.
Hat schon Kinder im folgenden Alter betreut:
Unter 6 Monate
6 bis 12 Monate
1 bis 3 Jahre
3 bis 6 Jahre
Über 6 Jahre
Gesprochene Sprachen
Französisch (fließend)
Spanisch (Muttersprache)
Englisch (Anfänger)
Italienisch (gelesen, geschrieben, gesprochen)
Zusätzliche Dienste
Kochen für die Kinder
Putzhilfskraft/ Bügeln

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1 überprüfte Empfehlung

Gelegentliches Babysitting
32,00 €
Netto pro Stunde
Kindermädchen zu Hause
30,00 €
Netto pro Stunde

38 years old with dual Argentine and Italian citizenship, my mother tongue is Spanish, I also speak French, Italian and a little bit of English. Master in Music.

More than 20 years of experience with children and young people: as a teacher, educator, nanny, governess, tutor, monitor and coordinator of groups of children and adolescents.
I have a human/moral formation of ten years in the Salesian youth movement of Don Bosco Argentina where I was also later Group Leader and General Coordinator, humbly teaching the importance of the word, values, solidarity, respect and companionship.
With postgraduate university studies, coming from the world of Classical Music, I am a person with very good manners, very observant, always one step ahead in the needs of children and the ability to solve problems quickly.
My father, a pediatrician, has taught me the importance of hygiene to prevent any disease, and the importance of anticipating the actions of children, to prevent any accident

Mai kann Ihnen auf Anfrage die Kontaktdaten von früheren Arbeitgebern übermitteln, die Ihn weiterempfehlen.

Ana M.
Maite fue la niñera de mi primer hijo, cuando apenas era un bebé de 4 meses. Fue siempre muy responsable, y lo cuidó con mucho amor. Es al día de hoy, ya con 18 años, que cada vez que tenemos contacto con ella, Julián quiere saludarla. Dejó de trabajar para nosotros cuando, dos años después, buscando una mejor educación musical, se fue a estudiar a la Universidad Nacional de las Artes, en Buenos Aires (a 650 kms de nuestra ciudad). Nunca más conseguimos una niñera que nos gustara tanto, y es así como terminamos anotándolo en un jardín maternal. La super recomiendo. Como ya dije, es muy didáctica con los niños, siempre atenta a sus necesidades y los anima a progresar intelectualmente, cosa que valoramos muchísimo en una niñera (en vez de prenderles la televisión, como han hecho otras niñeras). Además, cuando llegaba tarde a casa, y Julián dormía un rato, Maite aprovechaba a hacer comida o desinfectar la casa.
Nanny, babysitter
Zuletzt vor 6 Tage verbunden - Jetzt verfügbar

Nicht verfügbar! Das angegebene Verfügbarkeitsdatum wurde seit mehr als einem Monat nicht aktualisiert
Vor der schule
Nach der schule
In den Schulferien verfügbar


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1 überprüfte Empfehlung


Gelegentliches Babysitting
32,00 €
Netto pro Stunde
Kindermädchen zu Hause
30,00 €
Netto pro Stunde

38 years old with dual Argentine and Italian citizenship, my mother tongue is Spanish, I also speak French, Italian and a little bit of English. Master in Music.

More than 20 years of experience with children and young people: as a teacher, educator, nanny, governess, tutor, monitor and coordinator of groups of children and adolescents.
I have a human/moral formation of ten years in the Salesian youth movement of Don Bosco Argentina where I was also later Group Leader and General Coordinator, humbly teaching the importance of the word, values, solidarity, respect and companionship.
With postgraduate university studies, coming from the world of Classical Music, I am a person with very good manners, very observant, always one step ahead in the needs of children and the ability to solve problems quickly.
My father, a pediatrician, has taught me the importance of hygiene to prevent any disease, and the importance of anticipating the actions of children, to prevent any accident