Anzeige geändert am 1 Februar 2021 um 06:31
I love kids! This is my inner passion despite my background in Communication. All my closest friends know that I really a kid type of person. I am an entertaining positive-person and especially thrive creativity for kids. As Kids Coordinator, I enjoy keeping kids entertained with meaningful activities so they won't get bored - I came up with several games such as 'plant your own seed' and 'throw that color.' My interest in spending time with kids brings me happiness and calmness. I already have baby-sat experience ever since I was in middle school where my sister had a baby boy, not a day I didn't want to spend time with him. My most memorable moment was every time I put him to sleep by touching his forehead - all family members know that was my original method. I will always cherish those amazing moments. By registering myself here, I would like to have moments like that again, it makes me happy because I simply love to do it.
Gelegentliches Babysitting | 15,00 € pro Stunde |
Teilzeit-/Schulbetreuung | 14,00 € pro Stunde |
Kindermädchen zu Hause | 18,00 € pro Stunde |
Or as per agreement
Keine Empfehlungen bis jetzt, bald Ihre?
Eine Empfehlung schreibenVertrauen
Gelegentliches Babysitting | 15,00 € pro Stunde |
Teilzeit-/Schulbetreuung | 14,00 € pro Stunde |
Kindermädchen zu Hause | 18,00 € pro Stunde |
Or as per agreement