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Cerco babysitter regulare per il mio bambino (4anni)


I am looking for a loving, present, playful babysitter who is able to come 2 times a week for 2/2, 5 hours a day. I have a 4 year old son, am currently pregnant of our second child. I need some support in the house and someone to play with my son and take him for a walk outside, to have some time for me and recharge my batteries.

For me it would be ideal if you are practicing and/or willing to learn about Conscious Parenting / Non Violent Communication. Meaning not to use punishments and rewards and hold space for ALL feelings to be there.

Thank you for being here. Much love, Denise


Art der gesuchten Betreuung: termingerechtes Babysitting

1 Kinder zur Betreuung (3 bis 6 Jahre)

Welche Art von Nanny ich suche: Tagesmutter, Nanny Zuhause, Babysitter

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Anfang: am Donnerstag 17/02/2022 à 10h00
Ende : am Donnerstag 17/02/2022 à 12h00