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Chiara, nourrice

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Formation officielle
Non fumeur
Aide aux devoirs
Brevet d’animateur

Hi everyone,

My name is Chiara and I was born in Milan, Italy. I recently moved to Zurich.
I have many years of experience working with children of all ages and am confident in my ability to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your little ones.

I graduated in Communication and Artistic Education at the University of Milan, where I developed my passion for conducting educational workshops and fun and engaging activities for children. I worked as a childcare tour guide and have experience organizing and leading art workshops, science experiments, and outdoor activities that encourage curiosity and creativity.

In addition to my experience in childcare and educational activities, I am also passionate about cooking. I love experimenting with new recipes and find joy in sharing my creations with others. I think cooking with kids is a great way to teach them healthy eating habits and let them know where the things they eat come from.

I am a reliable and responsible caregiver who takes the safety and well-being of children very seriously. I will always go out of my way to make sure your child is happy, healthy and having fun. Whether it's cooking, arts and crafts, music, or games, I'm always looking for ways to make learning fun.

I am a passionate and enthusiastic babysitter who is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your child. I would be honored to have the opportunity to work with you and your family and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Services proposés
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Nounou à domicile
Formation d’animateur
Diplôme ou formation petite enfance, agrément officiel ou équivalent
Expérience professionnelle, plus de 5 ans.
A déjà gardé des enfants de
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées
Anglais (lu, écrit, parlé)
Espagnol (courant)
Italien (langue maternelle)
Allemand (débutant)
Services supplémentaires
Aide aux devoirs
Cuisine pour les enfants
Aide au ménage / repassage

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Aucune recommandation vérifiée

Babysitting ponctuel
25,00 €
de l’heure
Garde d'enfant à domicile
27,00 €
de l’heure
Explication :

Dear Parents,

Thank you for considering me as a potential babysitter for your children. I understand that you may have questions about my hourly rate of 23 euros, and I would like to take a moment to explain why I charge this amount.

Firstly, I have many years of experience working with children and I have developed a set of skills that allow me to provide high-quality care and education for your little ones. My degree in Communication and Art Education has equipped me with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead educational workshops and activities that are both fun and engaging for kids.

Secondly, I take my role as a caregiver very seriously and I always go above and beyond to ensure that your child is safe, happy, and healthy. I understand that leaving your children with a babysitter can be stressful, and I want to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is in good hands.

Lastly, my hourly rate reflects my commitment to providing the best possible care for your child. I understand that every family has different needs and expectations, and I am willing to work with you to create a customized plan that meets your specific requirements.

I hope that this explanation has helped to clarify why I charge 21 euros per hour. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your family.

Thank you

Best regards,

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Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
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En soirée
La nuit
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires


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Babysitting ponctuel
25,00 €
de l’heure
Garde d'enfant à domicile
27,00 €
de l’heure
Explication :

Dear Parents,

Thank you for considering me as a potential babysitter for your children. I understand that you may have questions about my hourly rate of 23 euros, and I would like to take a moment to explain why I charge this amount.

Firstly, I have many years of experience working with children and I have developed a set of skills that allow me to provide high-quality care and education for your little ones. My degree in Communication and Art Education has equipped me with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead educational workshops and activities that are both fun and engaging for kids.

Secondly, I take my role as a caregiver very seriously and I always go above and beyond to ensure that your child is safe, happy, and healthy. I understand that leaving your children with a babysitter can be stressful, and I want to provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is in good hands.

Lastly, my hourly rate reflects my commitment to providing the best possible care for your child. I understand that every family has different needs and expectations, and I am willing to work with you to create a customized plan that meets your specific requirements.

I hope that this explanation has helped to clarify why I charge 21 euros per hour. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your family.

Thank you

Best regards,