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Gardes proposées :
Babysitting, Garde régulière ou périscolaire, Nounou à domicile (infos)

Caroline, garde d'enfant à domicile - 1227 Lesacacias

Les plus de Caroline



My name is Caroline, I’m a 34-woman looking for an opportunity to work in Geneva as a nanny. I came to Geneva to join my husband during his period of legal studies.

I'm a kind, patient, and creative person, proactive, easy to learn, and detail-oriented. I like to promote educational and creative games, tell stories and help with school activities as much as possible. I also like to stimulate children's artistic gifts, with drawings, dances, music, or theater.

I have no "professional" or "paid" experience as a nanny or housekeeper - what I have got are family experiences which I believe may come in handy for my purposes here. I come from a family with Italian traditions, devoted to meetings on Sundays for lunch at my grandmother's house, uncles, aunts, and many young cousins.

As I'm one of the oldest granddaughters, it was usual for me to take care of my younger cousins at their parents's request, when needing to go out or something. That has been a regular experience and responsibility assigned to me by my relatives. I can tell the same about housekeeping. All I know is from my personal experiences and my curiosity, always trying to learn something about cleaning and organizing the house, abilities which I apply to mine.

I am a Brazilian-Italian citizen and I grew up in Brazil (so I'm not a good Italian speaker, but we can always try). My mother tongue is Portuguese, and I have a good level of Spanish too. Currently, I'm studying French.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Babysitting
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Nounou à domicile
Expérience Experience familiale : garde de frères et soeurs, cousins.
A déjà gardé des enfants de 1 à 3 ans
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées Français (débutant)
Anglais (courant)
Espagnol (lu, écrit, parlé)
Portugais (langue maternelle)
Italien (débutant)
Services supplémentaires Aide aux devoirs : Oui, niveau primaire
Cuisine pour les enfants : Oui, je peux
Aide au ménage / repassage : Oui, je peux


Pas de recommandations pour l'instant, bientôt la vôtre ?


36 ans
Caroline, garde enfant domicile - 1227 Lesacacias


Mail Vérifié

L'accès aux réseaux sociaux est réservé à nos membres

Je m'inscris !


Non mises à jour depuis 3 mois
Disponible pendant les vacances scolaires
avant l'école
le matin
le midi
l'après midi
après l'école
en soirée
la nuit


25.00 CHF
de l'heure
Babysitting ponctuel
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
27.00 CHF
de l'heure
Nounou à domicile