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Babysitter for a few hours from late afternoon until after dinner


am looking for a babysitter who is happy looking after our small daughter "Fae" 3.5 years old. We are not living in Switzerland but we are here every 3 months for a couple of days. We need mostly babysitting in the evenings and occasionally during the day when I need a small break for my errands. My daughter loves singing, playing games like Paddy Cake, I see what you don't see etc.! She is a really talk active and happy little girl. She loves to be outside in the nature and on the playground. We look for a kind person who has experience and patience. Fae is very smart and she speaks German, English and understands French.


Type de garde : babysitting ponctuel

1 enfants à garder (1 à 3 ans)

Type de nounou recherchée : babysitter

Besoin d'une voiture
Besoin du permis
Début : le jeudi 15/07/2021 à 16h00
Fin : le jeudi 15/07/2021 à 22h15