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Ludmila, garde d’enfant à Genève 1209

Avec recommandation
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Non fumeur

Have you ever thought:

What exactly will make the right nanny for your child?
Every parent wants a nanny who will provide a safe, comfortable and enjoyable environment for their child, whilst at the same time implementing good manners and setting good standards with regards to discipline. The key is communication. If l know of your requirements and specifications and also l
am able to freely express my expertise in a field l have experience in there is no reason why the relationship between caregiver/parent and nanny/child should not be harmonious. I take time to give honest feedback with regard to your child(s) upbringing.
What makes a great nanny in my opinion?
1. Making a positive difference… l am nanny who is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the children in my care.
I want helping them to flourish in their communication, manners and discipline, helping your children to become lovely well-rounded little beings.
2. I am friendly, approachable, kind, caring and genuinely instinctive. I can set boundaries and be firm when needed. It's important for me to do planning, implementing and reporting back to the parents on a daily basis with the child’s progress or if there is a problem.
3. I am diligent, respect the requirements of the family. I take time to understand the fine details of how the parents like things to be done and also provide thorough details on what l do with your children throughout their time with the children. For a parent it’s truly rewarding to know that, not only are their requirements being taken into consideration but they are well met.
Your kids have a structure with me.
4. l am patient. I have understanding that children need to be taken care of, put their feeling at ease and l consider their feelings, especially in times when child may be upset about something. I have very strong common sense, l know what to do in an emergency situation. I don't panic easily.
6. I am respectful of the family’s privacy and sensitive to any personal issues that may arise.l keep professionalism no matter what the situation around me is. I take pride on what l do, and l hope it shows in my everyday disposition. The confidentiality of your family affairs will be of utmost importance.
7. I ensure children's safety.They are not always easy to work with. High energy level and chaos sometimes creates space for accident.But parents can be sure kids are well taking care off with me. I like to make
kids happy and create a great vibe in the family. Stimulate their interest, keep positive environment, encouraging them to work with their hands instead of watching TV.
8. I understands the importance of nutrition for children and l can prepare simple but healthy meals or snacks. It is particularly important that a child needs to have a healthy, nutritious and balanced food routine, as it does not only affect a child’s energy but also has a great influence on their mind set and overall well being. I am smart around kitchen and can figure out quick meals with whatever is readily available.
9. I know when to speak up about anything that may affect the wellbeing of your children or if there is issue. This should go both ways.
I want approachable relationship with parents, have time to speak about any problem that may arise, without hard feelings.
10. Multitasking queen!
several things happening simultaneously. Iam able to cook dinner for the older kid while feeding the baby.
11. Your kids can’t stop talking about all the wonderful things we do together. I bet your kids will know it. From creative projects to fun activities or nature walks.
12. I come up with creative solutions to problems and work with you to provide the best possible care for your child. I am great at coming up with creative solutions and thinking out of the box. l take it seriously. I take initiative and collaborate with you.
13. I have had many professional hats through out my career. Being nanny is more of my hobby than career. But it's one l always like to return because working with kids is rewarding.
I am dependable, genuine mature individual who have worked as an young Au Pair in GB while learning English back in 90. I have lived many years in USA and cared for many multicultural /multilinqual kids from ages 6m-11 besides keeping my other jobs. As l took care of my younger cousins back when teenager, they always remember my fun creative meals. I have volunteered with young children in Dominican republic last 2 summers where l thought recycling sewing class.
My last experience was this summer in Slovakia with Italian/Slovak family while studying for my TEFL certification. Multilinqual ( Slovak, Czech, English, some Russian, some Polish).
I love to travel, sail, collect sea glass, walking in nature. I believe less is more in life.
EU passport.

Services proposés
Garde régulière ou périscolaire
Expérience professionnelle, plus de 10 ans.
A déjà gardé des enfants de
6 mois à 1 an
1 à 3 ans
3 à 6 ans
plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées
Russe (débutant)
Anglais (bilingue)
Services supplémentaires
Cuisine pour les enfants
Aide au ménage / repassage

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6 recommandations vérifiées

Babysitting ponctuel
25,00 €
de l’heure
Explication :

25CHF/h -5h per week minimum.
I prefer Chandieu area or near by.

l have flexibility and would like to help out but please note.
Sundays, after 7pm, overnights, holidays and special occasion will be charged at slightly higher rate.
I am available to travel for holidays.
Last minute cancellation (less than 3h)please consider my time and value as l consider yours.
I ask payment of one full working hour(30CHF) as cancelation fee.

Ludmila peut vous fournir sur demande les coordonnées d’anciens employeurs qui la recommandent.

Anna C.
La sottoscritta Anna Crippa dichiara che la Sig.ra Ludmilla ha collaborato presso la nostra residenza dal 1/06/2020 al 20/09/2020 in qualità di baby-sitter. Durante il suddetto periodo si è presa cura delle nostre figlie dell’età di 3 anni e 7 mesi svolgendo le sue mansioni con grande senso di responsabilità, distinguendosi per onestà e puntualità. Caratteristiche speciali di Ludmilla sono la sua dolcezza, affetto e grande attenzione nell' educazione delle bambine. Con Ludmilla le nostre figlie hanno imparato ad apprezzare la natura e non sono mai mancati giochi, canzoni e letture di libri. Grande attenzione è stata sempre data ad una corretta alimentazione ( non sono mancate torte speciali casalinghe veramente buonissime) e attenzione scrupolosa per l' igiene delle nostre figlie. La nostra famiglia è plurilingue, in casa parliamo inglese, slovacco e italiano. Il fatto che Ludmilla parli diverse lingue è stato per noi di fondamentale importanza. Difficile descrivere il dispiacere per la nostra famiglia di non avere più Ludmilla assieme a noi. Resto a disposizione per ogni ulteriore informazione Cordialmente AnnaCrippa
Rodrigue Z.
J'ai recu de Ludmilla un support pour rédiger en anglais professionel. Je recommande vivement Ludmilla, pour son professionalisme et son dévouement envers ses etudiants.
Rodrigue Z.
J'ai recu de Ludmilla un support dans la redaction en anglais professionel. Je recommande vivement Ludmilla, pour son professionalisme et son dévouement envers ses etudiants
Rodrigue Z.
J'ai recu de Ludmilla un support dans la redaction en anglais professionel. Je recommande vivement Ludmilla, pour son professionalisme et son dévouement envers ses etudiants
Marianna K.
Hello, I had a pleasure to get to know Ludmila as she was my new English instructor. She is an easy, fun, and creative teacher of English and an interesting person. You actually feel better about yourself speaking the language around her. Ludmila speaks slowly and clearly, has the patience to listen, and gently corrects mistakes. We focused on listening exercises and mostly worked on my speech together. We did a couple of "mini field trips " together. I never had a trip with a teacher before. This idea is great because allows you to speak longer time period. We met in the park, spent almost 3h talking about various topics. As my current job position requires lots of conversation and conducts general meetings online in English, l needed a speaking refresher. Ludmila was also helpful with proofreading. She has my recommendation if you look to put your English language into genuine use mode. Thanks, Ludi
George H.
She provided 5 star -outstanding at helping to care for my 2 service /emotional therapy canines a male german shepherd and a female husky shepherd mix. On top of this she was able to take care of organizing both my motor home and small yacht. She was able to resolve problems with repairs, and shopping for needed supplies. She demonstrated excellent driving ability for the >12, 000lb motorhome and handling throttle, steering , and radio communications on vhf radio. Perhaps the best recommendation beyond anything I could say is the fact that my dogs found her to be very likable beyond which most people can not pass this test. I miss having her excellent skills and anyone lucky enough to have Ludi in their employment should feel lucky and very fortunate.
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6 recommandations vérifiées


Babysitting ponctuel
25,00 €
de l’heure
Explication :

25CHF/h -5h per week minimum.
I prefer Chandieu area or near by.

l have flexibility and would like to help out but please note.
Sundays, after 7pm, overnights, holidays and special occasion will be charged at slightly higher rate.
I am available to travel for holidays.
Last minute cancellation (less than 3h)please consider my time and value as l consider yours.
I ask payment of one full working hour(30CHF) as cancelation fee.