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Nanny at home

I‘m in search of a dynamic, energetic, trustworthy nanny for my 14 month old son. We are a turkish/swiss family. My son is very active and energetic. I would like to have a nanny who can come once in a while and create educative activities for my son and play creative games with him that will help develop his skills. I will be mainly at home too since I work remotely at the moment. Basic tasks including feeding his lunch/snack might be a plus for me. The food will be ready so there is no cooking.


Tipologia di babysitting: babysitting occasionale

1 bambini da accudire (da 1 a 3 anni)

Tipo di tata cercata: assistente all'infanzia, tata a domicilio, babysitter

Automobile richiesta
Patente richiesta
Inizio: il Giovedì 26/05/2022 a 09h15
Fine: il Lunedì 01/08/2022 a 10h17