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Nanny to take care of two children

Hello, we are a family with two children. Laure who is 1 year old and Hadrien who is 3, 5. We need someone to take care of them during our holidays in Rougemont in our apartment. It would be some hours a day or night when we are skiing or having dinner. Hours will be flexible. I am looking for someone with references and experience.
Please take contact with me if your are interested.



Tipologia di babysitting: babysitting occasionale

2 bambini da accudire (da 6 mesi a 1 anno / da 3 a 6 anni)

Tipo di tata cercata: assistente all'infanzia, tata a domicilio, babysitter

Automobile richiesta
Patente richiesta
Inizio: il Sabato 30/12/2017 a 10h00
Fine: il Mercoledì 03/01/2018 a 15h50