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Searching for a nanny for special situations (kid sick) at my home +day mother


Occasional suport:

I am a working mom 80% and having my child in Kita 3 days per week at the moment. We need someone who can take care of our daughter (2.7 years old) when she is sick and can't attend the Kita, as we have to work.

Tagesmutter 08/2022 (German speaker preferred):

Once the child will attend the Kindergarten, we will need someone 4 days per week to get her for lunch and back at Kindergarten and pick her up till around 5.30pm or 6pm latest. I am early on it, as I prefer my daughter to start having a relationship with the people (if they also have children even better).

Thank you. More details after making contact.


Tipologia di babysitting: babysitting occasionale

1 bambini da accudire (da 1 a 3 anni)

Tipo di tata cercata: assistente all'infanzia, tata a domicilio, babysitter

Automobile richiesta
Patente richiesta
Inizio: il Venerdì 12/03/2021 a 10h00
Fine: il Mercoledì 19/07/2023 a 10h00