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Bezirk Zürich : Chouette, des nounous peuvent garder vos enfants !

Bezirk Zürich, principales villes :

Nounou Zürich
Szasa, nounou domicile Zürich eth-zentrum

Als allein erziehende Mutter einer erwachsenen Tochter betreue ich seit mehreren Jahren Tageskinder vom Säuglings- bis zum Kleinkindalter. Die Kinderbetreuung und die individuelle Förderung liegen mir sehr am Herzen. Ich bin fröhlich...
Julie, nourrice domicile Zürich 8000

Hello Dear ones =D My name is Julie, I am French-Brazilian born and raised in Brazil, Living in Switzerland. Married and mother of 2 lovely girls at the age of 14 and 3. Apart having my own children’s, I have gained a lot of experience...
Sabiatou, auxiliaire parentale Zürich

Bonjour, je m'appelle Sabia, je suis suissesse francophone et mariée. Mon mari et moi habitons Zürich depuis dix sept ans. J’exerce une activité de maman de jour depuis plus de vingt ans, d’abord en Suisse romande et ensuite à Zürich....
Asia, nounou - 8050 Zürich

IT: Gentili famiglie, sono una ragazza di 24 anni, al momento vivo a Zurigo e mi occupo di due bambini (10 mesi e 3 anni) come babysitter da maggio 2022. Precedentemente mi sono occupata di 2 bambini per 11 mesi ed ero la ragazza ...
Tinatin, garde enfant - 8047 Zürich

Dear Families, It is already 10 years that I support families with my assistance. Taking care of children has been one of the most rewarding, challenging, enjoyable and beneficial experience in my life. My references show me to be r...
Andrea Doria, nourrice Zürich

Ich heisse Andrea Doria, bin Babysitterin/Nanny/Leihoma und habe ein grosses Herz für Kinder sowie auch für Haustiere. Ich bringe mit über zehn Jahre Erfahrung als Miterzieherin im Kindergarten und bin jetzt in Rente. Ich suche Betreu...
Naholy, garde enfant domicile - 8053 Zürich

I am a creative person with a motivated soul, and that has always helped me to connect with children. To me, children are the purest expression of creativity and motivation. Their spontaneity and transparency always remind me why life is...
Elisa, nourrice Zürich

Sono una neolaureata di 25 anni. Da quando ho 15 anni lavoro come baby sitter per amici e conoscenti, inoltre nel 2014 ho lavorato sei mesi come ragazza alla pari per una famiglia di Berlino con due gemelli di nove mesi e una bambina di ...
Roberto, nounou Zürich

I am the father of two “former” children now aged over 18, who are giving us (to me and Anna, my wife) excellent satisfactions! To be closer to them, when they were babies, I took 3 months off my job. The parenting experience is excitin...
Jose Alberto, garde enfant domicile - 8010 Zürich

Dear, Please accept my enthusiastic application for the position of care for your child or children. I knew I was a nice candidate for the position. I believe my experience working with elementary school children, my tutoring backg...
Dorès, jeune fille au pair - 8098 Zürich

Bonjour, Je m'appelle Dorès, j'ai 23 ans, je suis française et je vis à Zurich depuis le mois de février 2016. Faisant mes études à distance, je cherche à faire quelques heures de baby sitting pendant mon temps libre. Je suis sérieus...
Michelle, au pair Zürich 8000

Cara famiglia, Sono Michelle, ho 27 anni. Dal 2013 ho fatto diverse esperienze sia di studio che lavorative tra Regno Unito, Svizzera e Italia. Tra queste l’attività di babysitting è stata quella che mi ha dato le gratificazioni maggi...
Giulia, nounou Zürich

Mi chiamo Giulia e sono italiana, ho 33 anni, parlo fluentemente inglese e italiano e sto cercando un lavoro come babysitter o nanny a tempo pieno a Zurigo. Sono molto paziente e attenta, flessibile negli orari, so tenere polso con dolce...
Viviane, nourrice Zürich

Hi, I have lived in Zurich for 13 months. I am married to a Swiss man. In Brazil I worked in television for almost 20 years. I am a graduate journalist. I'll start my Deutsch Class soon. I want to integrate and have more contact with th...
Vincent, jeune homme au pair - 8000 Zürich

Hallo to you Dear mummy/papa I am Vincent/Vinny I'm 32 years of age My mother Language is English and I'm currently learning French and German. I've been taking care of my relatives kids as well as my own 2 nephews and nieces.♡ T...