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Looking for a nanny on mondays and thursdays afternoons

Hi, I am looking for a nanny for my son who is now 10 months. He is very sweet baby trying to walk, loves to play and laugh. He needs affection, play and care in every moment of the day so that he continues to be a happy baby he is. I am looking for a nanny for Mondays and Thursdays later afternoons and evening for example from 4-8pm. There would also be a chance for ad hoc babysitting in the evenings or once I start a full time job. Please inbox me if my post is interesting to you. I do appreciate having qualifications such as petit enfants and helping me with the house works, especially ironing. Many thanks!


Art der gesuchten Betreuung: termingerechtes Babysitting

1 Kinder zur Betreuung (6 bis 12 Monate)

Welche Art von Nanny ich suche: Babysitter

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Anfang: am Mittwoch 08/12/2021 à 21h00
Ende : am Donnerstag 01/12/2022 à 06h00