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Angebotene Betreuungen :
Babysitting, Teilzeitbetreuung/ Vorschulbetreuung, Nanny Zuhause (Infos)

Carlos, Nanny - 1000 Lausanne

Die meisten von Carlos


Hello my name is Carlos, I am Spanish and I am living in Lausane since May.

Since i am living in Spain and here I have combined my profession how free time monitor at schools.

My last and current job in Switzerland is at the Geneva International School being free time monitor.

I love to work with children, do activities with them and not only taking it as a job but as fun when I get involved in the games with them they feel comfortable and you get involved with them and the response is always positive, I also have many small cousins ​​in my family and i am patient with them because i know they needs sometimes time and psychology.

I have worked in various age groups, from 3 to 6 years and from 7 to 12.

The work with children from 7 to 12 years has been coach, perform sports like tenis, basketball, football, gymnastic, etc.. also i organize meals and groups in the ranks, in water activities and ensure the safety of children to avoid accidents.

The work with children from 3 to 6 years, has been coach, also perform sports adapted to their age, games with music, instruments, sports equipment, activities such as painting and creatives for their ages. In the part of the meal organize the menus of each child, check that each child eats the full menu, food, fruit snacks ...

I also cook quite well and I can adapt so much to the menu that the families thinks is right for their healthy or I can contribute ideas in case they need it.

I have total hourly and contractual availability.

I speak Spanish, English and I have been studying French from one month in an academy.

I do not have experience in families only at schools but with quite a lot of children and in fact I think the most difficult thing is to change each time of groups of childrens because you have to create a different type of coach for each of them and create a relationship of respect and understanding that is easier if it is a fixed family in which once the rest has been trusted and fulfilling the obligations and routines will be easier.

Mini Lebenslauf

Angebotene Dienste Babysitting
Teilzeitbetreuung/ Vorschulbetreuung
Nanny Zuhause
Ausbildung Erste Hilfe Kurs
Jugendleiter/In-Card (Juleica)
Erfahrung Bis jetzt noch keine Erfahrung, aber die Lernbereitschaft besteht !
Hat schon Kinder im folgenden Alter betreut: 6 bis 12 Monate
1 bis 3 Jahre
3 bis 6 Jahre
Gesprochene Sprachen Französisch (Anfänger)
Englisch (fließend)
Spanisch (Muttersprache)
Zusätzliche Dienste Hausaufgabenhilfe : Ja, Grundschulniveau
Kochen für die Kinder : Ja, das kann ich
Putzhilfskraft/ Bügeln : Nein, das möchte ich bitte nicht


Keine Empfehlungen bis jetzt, bald Ihre ?


36 Jahre


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