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Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

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Ciao mi chiamo Carina, ho 31anni. Sono di origine portoghese ma vissuta in Spagna. Attualmente abito a Zug. Le mie prime esperienze lavorative sono state quelle di Babysitter. Arrivata in Svizzera otto anni fa, ho approfittato la prima occasione di lavoro e ho iniziato a fare la domestica per una dita di pulizia per 4 anni e mezzo. Da 3 anni lavoro per 2 famiglie, prendendomi cura delle facende domestiche e dei bambini.

Hi! I am Andrea, I am 32 years old and I am from Spain. I am an engineer looking for new opportunities in this amazing country. In the meantime I would be happy to help you with your kids. I had a large experience with children, during 4 summers I was working in Summer-camps, I was an Au-pair for 9month and I was teaching kids while I was studying. I speak English, Spanish, Italian and I am trying hard with German. BR,

Würde mich sehr freuen ihr Kind betreuen zu dürfen. Damit ihr Kind von mir lernen kann, aber auch ich von ihren Kind lernen kann. Habe ein Ausbildung als Spielgruppenleiterin und hier und da Kinder betreut. Habe ein Sohn der 5 Jahre jung ist. Und im Sommer nun in den Kindergarten kommt. Liebe Grüsse Nicole

I'm an Argentinian Master student of literature at the UZH and will be living with a family in Zug for the following two years. I'm charismatic and have experience dealing with children. I have a bachelor's degree in TESOL, so I can teach your kids English while taking care of them. In my hometown I taught English to 10 and 17-year-old groups of students and we always had a very good relationship. My timetable is very flexible and so it is possible I have some mornings or nights available....

Je suis une étudiante au ecole int, Je suis super musicaux, j'aime cuisiner, danser, le theatre et oui. Contacter moi pour plus d'info

Zug, les principales villes

Dernières recommandations

Carina,garde enfant à Zug

Hola, estoy buscando una nana para mis dos hijos de 1 y 4 años. Algunas noches de manera esporádica. Hace mucho que mi esposo y yo no salimos a ningún lugar solos y nos gustaría salir a cenar o al cine en algunas ocasiones. Somos un matrimonio multicultural, mi esposo alemán/ español y yo mexicana. Espero tener noticias de ti y que podamos conocernos. Muchas gracias, Yessica

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